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Info Komunitas: Call For Choreographer to Join American Dance Festival - Yayasan Kelola 2015 (DL 28 Maret 2015)

Ada koreografer kawakan di sini? Kesempatan emas nih untuk ikut serta menjadi koreografer internasional bersama Yayasan Kelola dan American Dance Festival. Kelola invite Indonesian choreographers to apply an international choreographer’s residency program held by the American Dance Festival, United States of America.

The ADF International Choreographers Residency program run by an internationally known faculty, special workshops, seminars, master classes, lectures, and discussions with visiting artists, critics and scholars. 

The opportunity to see performances by the masters of modern dance as well as the newest emerging talent (from the US and around the world). Performances by visiting dance companies occur in the program invites promising choreographers for six weeks school, where dancers from around the country and around the world come to train and to create, to see, and to be seen. 

Grant Benefits International Choreographer Residency Program

Participant of the International Choreographer Residency program will receive a grant that will cover a return airfare, visa and international living expenses during the period of residency. The resident must submit financial acquittal and narrative report at the end of the program.

The expected duration of the residency is 6 and a half weeks. The residency will start in the first week of June 2015.

Eligibility International Choreographer Residency Program

The residencies are open to all choreographers, who meet the following criteria:
  • Is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Has a minimum 3 works of choreography.
  • Has an ongoing commitment to the arts in Indonesia and can demonstrate the relevance of the residency to achieve future goals
  • Able to communicate both oral and written in English.

Closing Date International Choreographer Residency Program

Closing date: 28 February 2015 All applications must be postmarked on or before the above date. We will not accept any faxed application.

Requirements International Choreographer Residency Program

E-mail your CV in English to program@kelola.or.id with the subject: “International Choreographer Residency Program”
Send your video documentation in DVD of your previous choreography, min. 3 works.

Jl. Abdul Madjid No. 44 R. Cipete Selatan
Jakarta 12410
--write “International Choreographer Residency Program” on the top left corner of the envelope.

Yayasa Kelola, Info Komunitas

Contact Information
Tel. (021) 7590 6499, Fax. (021) 766 1966 

Nah itu dia, syarat dan ketentuan menjadi salah satu koreografer yang akan diikut sertakan dalam acara American Dance Festival, United States of America. Gampang kan? (Au ah gelap!)

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